Monday, 22 March 2010


Well I think it's time for a wee update. I'm happier than I ever thought I could be, and feel so much better about myself. Also lost weight! Seriously, I think happiness is the best aid to weightloss, because for MONTHS I tried to lose a bit of weight, with no success. I was on the last hole on my belt. And now? I've lost weight, regardless of what I've been eating, and my belt is now on the second last hole. A good inch, already! And do you know what I've been eating over the past month? Of course you don't. That's why I'm going to tell you, if you'd just sit still and read instead of fidgeting with the mouse and scratching your eyebrows. All I've eaten is chippies, ice cream, pizza, chocolate, monster munch, and lots of sweets. Seriously, one receipt for ASDA had 28 items on it, 8 of which were alcoholic or energy drinks. It's ridiculous! McDonald's will be lovin' me right now for the sum of money spent in there most days. Been to Burger King as well, and Pizza Hut. All I need now is a Subway again, and I'm sorted. Oooooh and a Jimmy Chungs. Plan, me thinks!

Saying that, if him and I went to Subway, and then on a walk down past the river, then it would be a replay of our first date. Lovely (: Eeeeee I'm such a happy girl. I know I maybe wasn't earlier on, but I am now. He knows how to cheer me up. And Thursday isn't really too far away. This is Monday night. Tomorrow is Tuesday, and I have a booking on Wednesday night, and Thursday will be here before I know it. Like he said, we just need to keep in touch. It'll all be ok. And not seeing him til then will just make it even better (: Can hardly wait.

As far as the weight loss is going, you'll just need to read what I've already said again. Orrrrrrrrrr, just keep reading. It's going. Slowly, but surely, and I'm eating what I like! But. I have a plan to maximise how much I'm losing in a safe way, and also letting me eat what I want and feel healthy and good. During the days away from him, I'm going to be really good. I love baked potatoes, and tuna, sweetcorn, cottage cheese, fruit, and veg. So I can pick and choose between all that, and the odd salad in between, and maybe a steak here and there for good measure. Someone as addicted to meat as I am has no business keeping away from the juicy, tender, loveliness of steak and chicken. On college days and away from him, I behave. When I'm with him, I can eat whatever junk I like! I might still have some of the healthy stuff anyways, because I do actually like it. Plan? I think so (:

Another plan I have is to get more sleep. Get myself into a lifestyle routine. 8-10 hours sleep, 3 meals a day, lots of fluids, and take my tablets. Life will be very very good, if it can get any better than this. Honestly, I've never felt so happy and like myself. I know who I am. I know what I want. I'm working on how to get it. I'm finally comfortable in myself and have a great man in my life. What more could I ask for?

D-d-d-d-d-d-Bob xx

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