Monday, 7 February 2011

Snow again!

Oh for crying out loud! There's snow falling and lying and sitting about. Please don't tell me this is a repeat of last year where we had lots of snow in February and it stayed until April, making it near impossible to get to a wedding? Oh please no :( I just want to get out and do my lessons, get my test, pass it, and then I'm happy for there to be as much snow as the world wants. I just want my license first!

Oh well, I must look ahead to the festival times. Musselburgh is coming up and I haven't done anything for it, or booked accommodation. I've sourced rooms, cheaper than last year, and more comfortable too! It's just a pain that they don't let pets stay :( So I doubt dad will be coming since he'll want to look after the dog, who would be happy sleeping in the car, but there we go. I think he's in a bit of a huff for festivals since Donald's always with me, but it makes sense, because then I am never left to be lonely and there's someone to sit with him when I'm not there. Last year, dad got sick of being on his own and left me at the festival near Edinburgh while he drove home and I had to fork out for an expensive train where I didn't get a seat and had no sleep at all. So here's hoping I get to keep the car and he can go home and be picked up by one of his siblings. But we'll see what happens. There's bound to be people coming from our area who can take him home if he really wants. I won't plan too far ahead. Just need to catch him when he's not out or up in the loft. I am NOT going up there just to ask about hotels.

I also really need to get some stuff for uni sorted out, since my interview is around 18 days away and there's more paperwork they want before the day. And I need to work on my piano. Maybe I could do that now that he's up in the loft out of the way. I hate playing music in front of him at home. 

Anyways. I made a casserole for lunch. I had hoped to play it safe (again) and make the casserole as I usually would - in the oven. But. I was browning part of the beef when I thought to check for a packet of mix. None. Oh dear. I'd just written out a casserole recipe earlier, so through to my bedroom I went to get it and start on it. Well, the end results need a tiny bit of tweaking, but it's all good and next time I'll document what I do and take photos. I'm so surprised I managed to make it though and that it turned out eadible. I'm so impressed!

However, I'm unsure on what to cook for supper. There's very little to have in the fridge, so it'll have to be something out of the freezer since the butcher's shut and I really fancied some steak. Possibly pizza? Because I really can't be bothered doing anything else or anything exciting. 

Time for sleep since I have my lesson soon. And I'm shattered. Nighty night.


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