Thursday, 20 January 2011


Thank heavens! It's finally the end of my "working week" and I'm home, curled up in bed with a packet of custard creams and the dog faffing about beside me. He really is a strange animal. He's scared of the cat and bagpipes, yet he'll happily run up behind a cow and bite her heels, and keep going back even though he gets kicked. What a nutter.

Last night, I took my antidepressant for the first time in a while. They normally make me tired, but good god, I'm shattered beyond belief! I was hardly able to talk the whole day, since I was still drowsy off it. Had a great night's sleep though! So, I'm going to take it again tonight and then have a nice long lie =) I can't bloody wait!!!!! The last time I had a proper lie in was way back before I started working, and I really miss them! I need a good catch up session with sleep, and since I'm off tomorrow, then that's when I'm going to do it. I was initially planning on going into town, but I'll go in on Saturday, since I have to make sure the man gets a new pair of jeans before we go out at night! I don't know where his have gone, but they've vamooshed completely. Must have been on Hogmanay as I remember him wearing them down to my gig and not since then. Hmm.

I've also noticed lately that I struggle to stay focussed on one thing for more than a few lines. I don't know why, but there you go. I think I'm going to go for a snooze just now.

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