Well, we rearranged the kitchen a bit yesterday. We swapped over the fryer and the food processor, since I use the processor more and it should be beside the cooker. I know I only bought it on Saturday, but I use it so much for making stir fries and no doubt for other countless things as recipes become available for me! It sounds lazy, but it'll save me taking ages to slice veg, and it'll do a lot of the work I do for some other recipes, like my curry paste, a lot better than the mini processor we had. Put it this way: it would work perfectly, until you put any sort of food into it. So it's gone and the new one is here. Hallelujah! I do need to investigate new recipes though... because, as much as I love stir fries, I can't eat them every day (unfortunately). So that's what I might do today, since my back is killing me and I can hardly move. Or I could just lie here, but I might get bored.
I really should be getting on with the washing, but it's cold in the rest of the house, I'm comfy(ish) in bed, and I'm a lot warmer too. Plus everything's at floor level which means bending at some stage and picking up a heavy basket, so I'm not going to do that either. Thankfully, I've managed to get an appointment for the doctors. It's an emergency one, but I didn't think that seeing a nurse or having someone phone me back would be all that helpful. Just need to get out of bed in time to get to the surgery! I just hope they can do something to make this less painful and it doesn't turn out to be something serious that I have. Ha, knowing my luck it'll be something incurable and that's going to turn me into a hunchback. Wouldn't that be a laugh! Nah, didn't think so.
Time to go and attempt to get up. I only have 20 minutes to be in the surgery. And it's a 10 minute drive. 10 minutes to get out of bed and ready. Ohhhh dear....
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