Monday, 31 January 2011

What's happened?

Good grief, something's awfully wrong with me. Firstly, I'm signed off with sciatica for 2 weeks, so no heavy trollies for me! Secondly, I've had the terrible urge to buy trackies. Yes, like PROPER trackies. And today, good people, I'm sorry to say I actually bought 2 pairs! And a pair of black lonsdale trainers. They're pretty though, and very comfy. I just look like a total chav, which is unfortunate given the comfort I'm experiencing...

Back to the...well...back situation, I'm off for two weeks with this nerve that's been troubling me. Doc sas it's sciatica, so that's just bloomin' dandy, isn't it!? Saying that, I'm very glad. I'm getting sick of the way some of the people there treat you. They act as though you're a complete idiot, incapable of asking others in the right department whether something is in stock or not. Grr. So time off will hopefully help me get rid of the stress of dealing with that. It'll also give me time to get the house in order. Hopefully.

If I wasn't so sore, I'd be clearing up the living room, getting lots of washing done, but I think I'll attempt that once I'm home from my driving lesson tomorrow. I just hope it's actually on, since I've heard nothing from my instructor as to whether it's going ahead and when I'm meeting her or anything. I'm just so excited though, and would be dreadfully disappointed if I didn't get to have my lesson: the lesson which I'm so nervous about it's scary. I know I shouldn't be, but I really can't help it. I'm just so excited to be finally doing something about my test and a step closer to getting my license. Wouldn't that be awesome, not having to wait for someone else to sit beside me, but instead just sit down in the car and bugger off myself. T'would be grand.

Saying that, I might still use the train for our random jaunts into Aberdeen, since it's cheaper and we're right in the centre of town without having to park or scutter about in traffic, risking life and limb by driving beside old people. Seriously, they're dangerous!

Anyhoo... I'm going to head to bed. Driving lesson in the morning and then meet the hubby for coming home. Woop! Goodnight, bloobs!

D x

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Tired. So, so tired. Yet, I don't want to go to bed. The man's already asleep, and I'm feeling really lonely, especially since I've hardly had any real contact with him all day. I don't know, it's been weird today, because we've been together, and yet it feels like I haven't seen him or been able to speak to him and I don't like that. Plus my back's killing me. I'm off work tomorrow so that's a bonus I guess, and we're going into Aberdeen tomorrow which means we'll be having a day out to ourselves, so it should be good. But, what if it's like today and we hardly actually speak? Or he gets distracted like he's been all day? I can't help wondering... or worrying. Time to watch a cooking programme to take my mind off the world and it's wife.

Kitchen Antics

Well, we rearranged the kitchen a bit yesterday. We swapped over the fryer and the food processor, since I use the processor more and it should be beside the cooker. I know I only bought it on Saturday, but I use it so much for making stir fries and no doubt for other countless things as recipes become available for me! It sounds lazy, but it'll save me taking ages to slice veg, and it'll do a lot of the work I do for some other recipes, like my curry paste, a lot better than the mini processor we had. Put it this way: it would work perfectly, until you put any sort of food into it. So it's gone and the new one is here. Hallelujah! I do need to investigate new recipes though... because, as much as I love stir fries, I can't eat them every day (unfortunately). So that's what I might do today, since my back is killing me and I can hardly move. Or I could just lie here, but I might get bored.

I really should be getting on with the washing, but it's cold in the rest of the house, I'm comfy(ish) in bed, and I'm a lot warmer too. Plus everything's at floor level which means bending at some stage and picking up a heavy basket, so I'm not going to do that either. Thankfully, I've managed to get an appointment for the doctors. It's an emergency one, but I didn't think that seeing a nurse or having someone phone me back would be all that helpful. Just need to get out of bed in time to get to the surgery! I just hope they can do something to make this less painful and it doesn't turn out to be something serious that I have. Ha, knowing my luck it'll be something incurable and that's going to turn me into a hunchback. Wouldn't that be a laugh! Nah, didn't think so.

Time to go and attempt to get up. I only have 20 minutes to be in the surgery.  And it's a 10 minute drive. 10 minutes to get out of bed and ready. Ohhhh dear....

Friday, 21 January 2011

Olive oil

So, we were watching Jamie's 30 Minute Meals, and we've noticed he uses a LOT of olive oil. On everything. Salads, steak, roasts, potatoes, veg, the list goes on. I'd just like to know, why? Why the massive volumes of it, what makes him use that all the time when there's really no need to? What's the advantage of pouring it on lovely fresh food? It just seems like a waste and as though he's putting extra calories on it for no apparent reason. Maybe it's to make it seem more appealing? Or more expensive? Something like that? I don't know. If there's any logic behind it, let me know. I'd love to know of any theories you all have, because I'm clueless. Maybe I should start using more on my food, but I don't know why I should. Does it add taste?

Anyways, I'm actually quite tired and hungry. I made curry tonight for the first time ever, but I think the recipe had too much lemon grass in it and didn't make enough. So, I'm going to make enough for 4 next time, because it's actually a really healthy recipe, and contains a portion of veg for each of us that way. Also, I dug out my blender today. The little food processor we won as a raffle prize is bad. It doesn't chop ANYTHING, so we're buying a new one, but in the meantime, I took through the blender to see if that would work but it didn't. Seeing as it's through already, I'm going to start making some smoothies so that I can get more fruit and veg into my diet, and I read somewhere that you can put some oats into them to make them filling, so that's what I'm going to try. Might make for a good way of cutting back how much crap I eat, and will also give me the benefit of being full and eating more fruit. Bonus! I'll let you know how I get on and the kind of combinations that I like. This also means buying lots more fruit and veg, which is good. We're also going to make a lot more fresh stirfries from now on, so having the chopping blade on the new processor will really help! That way, we know what's going into our food. I can't wait! This is really going to boost the weight loss.

Oh, and on the biscuit front, there's very few left. I finished most of them off overnight and this morning. However, I now need to drink lots of juice since I'm incredibly thirsty and have been all day. But, I've heard dad rattling about the house, so I don't really think it's wise to go through and see him. He doesn't sound like he's in a good mood. How can I tell? Even the dog keeps running through and hiding. So I'm staying put. I think it's a very good plan, even if you don't! I'm not moving.

My body is now CRYING OUT for fruit, and I can't get to the shops to buy some. Although, I'll make a list so that we can go shopping and stock up :) There's a few things we need to get anyway, like natural yoghurt, rolled oats, cereal, fruit, veg, beansprouts, noodles, rice... Anything else that's healthy and yummy, I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Just went through as dad nipped out to get another bottle of whisky and possibly some food for the cat. Shoved a couple of slices of bread in the toaster, filled my bottle of juice and put our special bowls in the right place so they don't get wrecked like the other one did. I came back through to the bedroom and cuddled up with my plate, polished off the buttery toast and then drank some juice. Must say, I was needing that. I'm also getting quite tired, so sleep shall be needed too. That's what is maybe annoying my dad: the fact I'm always in bed early, even when I'm not working. I can't help getting tired :( It's just the fact that my body's so used to being asleep early that even when I know I don't have to get up at 4am, it still thinks it has to, so it gets tired early, and wakes up at the usual time, which is rather frustrating, given then fact that when I'm working, I could sleep forever and when I'm not, I can't seem to lie in. I wish that would reverse.

On the positive side of the cookie, I'm going to do a little bit of retail therapy tomorrow. I might even get my hair cut for going out at night! The only thing I really have to buy is something to wear at night, and something to update my wardrobe again. I'm looking rather masculine nowadays, which I don't like but don't know how to change.

And that's dad gone mad because I "left the kitchen in a mess". I looked at him and he said there was "pans and sinks and pans and everything". Yes there was, but all the messy stuff was in the sink, which he agreed with, so that was ok, and everything else was his. So where's the problem? Something has to be done about his drinking, because the dog is terrified and won't settle, I'm sick of being shouted at and trying to clear up after his rampages, and I'm also sick of being treated like something that came off the sole of his shoe. I'm completely sick of it all, and yet I can't leave him, because he's my dad and I can't bring myself to leave him alone. After all, with the volume of alcohol he's drinking everyday, he'd only get worse if I left. I dread to think what would happen and no one would know about it. I might just have to speak to my aunt again and see what to do, because this is getting serious.

Oh well... See? I can't stay on topic. I came on to write about the use of olive oil, and landed talking about my alcoholic, and sometimes vicious, dad. Bah. I'm going to sleep. Once I go pee.

Night all. Hope things improve in the morning...


Who's for a spree? No, in all seriousness, I'm using this morning to work out what I have to spend every month, and that'll help me to save whatever money I can for sometime I really need a few quid. The only problem is... I can't remember what I'm supposed to be paying for! I've got a list of things so far: musician's union insurance, phone bill, bank account, and my cinema card. But what else is there? I know I have to start paying money towards the Sky Tv we have, but I can't remember what else I have to pay for. I think that might actually be it. So time to total up the costs. Wow, is that it? I have literally hundreds left over this month if this it the real total. However, there's bound to be more needed. I should total up my daily cost for work as well, so I get an idea how much that works out to be.

And low and behold, I was still paying money to a charity I signed up to nearly 2 years ago! Still taking money off me every month, and costing me a fortune. Grr! But, I phoned them up - weird as it was, considering the accent the guy had - and cancelled the payments. Hoorah! I'm also signed up for internet banking so I can keep track of everything I'm buying. How good am I? Really trying to budget now. Hey, it means I'm more in control of my money, and therefore, my life.

Thursday, 20 January 2011


Thank heavens! It's finally the end of my "working week" and I'm home, curled up in bed with a packet of custard creams and the dog faffing about beside me. He really is a strange animal. He's scared of the cat and bagpipes, yet he'll happily run up behind a cow and bite her heels, and keep going back even though he gets kicked. What a nutter.

Last night, I took my antidepressant for the first time in a while. They normally make me tired, but good god, I'm shattered beyond belief! I was hardly able to talk the whole day, since I was still drowsy off it. Had a great night's sleep though! So, I'm going to take it again tonight and then have a nice long lie =) I can't bloody wait!!!!! The last time I had a proper lie in was way back before I started working, and I really miss them! I need a good catch up session with sleep, and since I'm off tomorrow, then that's when I'm going to do it. I was initially planning on going into town, but I'll go in on Saturday, since I have to make sure the man gets a new pair of jeans before we go out at night! I don't know where his have gone, but they've vamooshed completely. Must have been on Hogmanay as I remember him wearing them down to my gig and not since then. Hmm.

I've also noticed lately that I struggle to stay focussed on one thing for more than a few lines. I don't know why, but there you go. I think I'm going to go for a snooze just now.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Stocking up!

Oops, I only just remembered about the boiling chicken carcase I put on the hob after lunch time... around 3pm... It had been boiling since then and was virtually dry! But thankfully, dad had been nosey and come in to find it and took it off the heat. So, take two of doing that! I put some water in it again and gave it a really good stir. It's actually quite chickeny, although after another half hour of boiling, it should be awesome. Or, at least let's hope it will be! Then I can make soup tomorrow with it. Mmmmm yummy! But what kind of soup? My knowledge of recipes is very limited, so must do some investigating. And keep an eye on round 2 of the stock!

Talking of "stocking up", I need to get a better supply of recipes and ingredients in this house that will make sure we're fairly healthy. I mean, we're eating all the bad stuff this week - which makes us sound like greedy pigs! - but it's to make sure we don't waste anything and that there is a totally clean slate next week. You see, in this house, we don't like wasting food unless it's totally out of date or completely inedible (which this stock may well turn out to be).

Well, the stock is fine. However, I'm hungry and getting kind of bored of this blogging malarky. No one actually lets me know if they're reading it, no one comments and it's like I'm talking to a wall of nothingness, and it's rather lonely if I'm honest. So, if there's no comments over the next while, I'll just stop posting, because what's the point if no one reads it? It's like having a conversation with myself: I say what I want, but I know I'll never get an answer and it gets boring.

Hmm... Oh well. Hope to hear from someone in the universe...


Today, I've investigated how to do a gallery using HTML code. I must admit, it worked perfectly! Although, I panicked because everytime I pressed the Home page, it came up with my gallery. I thought it was some sort of malfunction. Then I realised: my homepage shows my latest post, and what's my latest post? Yes, it's my gallery. What a doofus. Oh well. Anyway, how are you all today? Well, I hope. I'm still scouring the magazine shelves for decent magazines and lovely recipes to make at some point. I came home with the intention of finishing off the washing and then make some food, sit down with a cup of tea and write a blog about my day and something else, which I've successfully forgotten. But none of this happened. Ok, that's not quite true. I finished the washing and had a Chewee bar, then came through, put the heater on, made a gallery on here and watched tv, as well as reading through a new magazine. I've still not had food. So, it looks like I'm going to have a hearty meal when the man comes home from work.

But what to have...? I have the remainder of a roast chicken from yesterday and some random veg left over. I'm thinking a stir fry? Although we had that yesterday. A stir fry with homemade sauce and boiled rice? Sounds yummy :) And very good for me, too. I guess we'll soon see, as the mini tractor is just pulling up beside the house. Ohhhh I can't wait til he's inside. A cuddle, perhaps? A kiss? Mmm I can only hope! I'll likely be back later, and if my food turns out yummy, I'll let you know.

Back for another post later.



A random selection of photos. Enjoy...

Puppy looking hyper, as usual!
Laurel, my cat
Ahhh! It's a rat!

My horse...
Awh I miss her :(
He was lovely...
Still a baby! He's only 10...

Monday, 17 January 2011

Blue Monday

I worked out today why it's called Blue Monday: because the whole day is pretty much guaranteed to be a disaster.First, I slept in. I intended to get up early and have a shower, heard my alarms, and decided to have an extra 5 minutes. Well, I've not been sleeping that well lately so decided to sleep when I was tired. Shame it was only for 5 minutes though! So, I got up, got myself looking presentable, had breakfast, then realised the kitchen clock was 5 minutes slow. No problem, I can shoot down the road without trouble. So that's what I did. I was down before I was meant to be, had been in touch with my lift, and was waiting. 5 minutes, then 10, then 15... I text her, and no reply. So I phoned, no answer then the calls stopped going through. A few minutes later, she phoned saying she was already at work... GAH! So, I decided to phone my dad to wake him up so I could go and collect him, but the phone's not plugged in so he'd never hear it, no matter how good his hearing could be. After bombing it up the road, racing into the house, and explaining to a very confused man that I needed him to come with me to work, we were off. I was only 5 minutes late, but my dad decided he couldn't work the fuel pumps and I thought it safer if I just filled up the car before I went in to work rather than let him. Let's face it, it could have been petrol that landed up in my tank!

So that was all fine. I got there, started work 15 minutes late and said I'd work it back. However, I was already working back 2 hours today, so landed in until 12.15pm. I thought the man was finished at 12 and I'd have time to sit and drink a cup of tea with a magazine until he came to pick me up, but no, he was actually finished at 11.30, which messed up my plans for a cuppa, but I didn't mind. Meant he was waiting for me, for once!

Home we went, after going to his to collect some stuff. Food had, and now he's sound asleep and I'm still wide awake. I might go and do some things and make myself tired, but I can't be bothered. Plus, I'm still hungry and my belly's full of air and is making very funny but loud noises. Oh well.

I'm going to make up some more recipes so that I can improve the way I eat and lose some lbs. Or at least I hope I can! If you have any suggestions, let me know. I'd be very keen to hear about healthy food stuffs and how to put them together. There isn't much we don't like. Anything but lamb or veal, and nothing too spicey or mushroomy. That's about it, really. I love rich flavours and food that is easy and quick to prepare. Get in touch!

Friday, 14 January 2011

La Grand Change!

I've been inspired by an article in Essentials magazine to shange the way I live. I have lost 4lbs without realising it, and it has given me the boost I need to finally make changes and do a bit more to aid the weight loss. Yes folks, I'm finally on my way! So today, I'm up early and writing out more recipes for me to try out soon and create healthy and hearty meals in a jiffy. I'm also going to start making double the quantity we need, and freeze half of it so that we have "ready meals" in the freezer and I know they're good for us. I just need to get shopping now and get going. However, I can't drive yet, so need to wait until someone can take me shopping. And I've got a new method of shopping. Here's my plan...

I'm going to work out what we're going to eat over the next week, then work out what I need to buy to cook those meals. However, it may not work like that, so I'll just get an idea of what we might have and then buy accordingly. No matter what I decide to do, it has to be cheaper than usual, and also a lot more healthier than our usual rubbish because, let's face it, we eat nothing but junk. We eat it, drink it, snack on it, and that's our main downfall: our snacking. Crisps, chocolate, donuts, yoghurts, ice cream, the list goes on. We need to change what we eat so we can still snack but it's a bit less devilish and a little more angelic for our waistlines. I've found Chewee bars - the ones with white chocolate - and they're a much better option than munching on all the biscuits and crisps I normally would. Plus, they're a lot sweeter so they satisfy my sweet tooth!

Anyways, I'm off for now. It's time to curl up with the man and sleep. Well, maybe, if he'll let me without booting me in his sleep. Let's see how it goes.


Early Morning Witterings

It's just after 3am and I'm still awake. My brain's too busy with everything that's been happening today, so no wonder I can't sleep. Nothing bad, of course, but emotionally challenging would be a more accurate way of describing my day. However, one must soldier on, mustn't one.

Turns out, my dad and I are "room-swapping". I have a smaller room, which contains a book-case full of films and other rubbish, a big chest of drawers filled with my clothes, a temporary set of drawers for my partner's clothes, a big crate of boots in the wardrobe, as well as my old work stuff in a big box up the top, and a random assortment of stuff from my childhood stored up there. There's also a double bed, a bedside table, a desk, the tv and more items that I daren't even list. My dad has the master room all to himself - and the dog, of course - and he has very little stuff in there. It's a massive room and he's not exactly using the 2 small wardrobes, 1 large wardrobe, chest of drawers and 2 bedside tables to the best of their ability. Everything is full of old stuff belonging to my mum, who died 10 years ago, and none of it gets used or touched.


What we plan to do is go through everything, keeping our favourite pieces of clothes of hers, favourite items, things we remember her by, and get rid of the rest. She was a very large woman so her clothes are no use to me, and they're certainly no use to my dad. I can just imagine him wandering around the house in her spotty dress. Oh, how the mind boggles! But yes, that's the plan at the moment. Dad's doing some DIY on the free-standing wardrobes and then the clearout begins. Once that's all done, it's time to swap bedrooms. Moving all his belongings out of his room into mine will be a doddle. But, taking all our bits and pieces may take some time. However, it'll be worth it in the end. Before the move, though, I have some decorating to do. He had his room painted yesterday after the fire we had in May, and I really like the fresh magnolia colour it is. So, I'm going to find a pretty wallpaper, maybe red with magnolia in it, and put that up on the wall where the headboard would be. It'll look stunning and be an instant transformation, instead of painting it all again. Besides, the painter did a much better job than I ever could!

Hopefully, we'll be moved in there in a couple of weeks, but there's no rush, since I'm not planning on moving out anytime soon. I know I've applied to university, but it'll still work out cheaper if I live at home and travel in every day. I'll get more help from the university if I did that than if I got a flat in town. Besides, I wouldn't trust staying there. Out here, there's a lot more safety, and I don't have to bother humphing any of my stuff from my room into Aberdeen just so I can stay there for a couple of years then come back home again. I mean, I have plenty time to move out. I might not even have to move away at all, but we'll cross that bridge when the time comes. I mean, if we decided to get married, then fair enough, we might look for somewhere for ourselves, but that also gives us more time to get money together to buy somewhere. If I came home, and we were married and had a kid, then at least I don't have to worry about a baby-sitter. Dad would be here, and come that time, he'd be retired and would really enjoy looking after a wee one.

That's all in the future though, so never mind. I shouldn't even be thinking or writing about that, but no one actually reads this, so it's ok. If no one reads it, it hasn't actually been written... I don't know, my brain's fried. I'm too excited to get in and decorate the new room. I want it to be all pretty and relaxing and nice and just perfect for us to live in. My room will suit my dad better anyway, since it's smaller and the morning sun doesn't come in your window as soon as it appears. My window faces West, and his faces East. It's ok though, because I'm up early anyway for work, and soon to be uni (hopefully) so I'm not too worried about it. Plus, my curtains are black-out ones, so it's always dark, no matter how bright the sun is.

Ok, I give up. I'm tired, and I'm making so many mistakes while I'm typing, it's unreal. So, I'm going to try and sleep, dreaming about my gorgeous other half and the cuddles I'm going to get as soon as he's home. I really want to have a long lie today, and by golly I'm going to have it. Let's see if I'm actually awake by the time he gets home. Here's hoping I'm not!

Night folks.
