More snow! We had another foot on wednesday, and it was drifting over night. I had a visitor round on Wednesday, and he had to stay until tonight before we got his car pulled out. Poor guy, but it was a darned good excuse for him to stay :) Dare I say, I'm really happy right now. I think I've finally found someone that I actually click with, and not just a little bit. We click in many ways. He makes me smile so much, and tbh I'm so glad I met him. The last few days have been magic, though it feels like we've known eachother for years and I'm so comfortable around him, it's scary. I can honestly be myself, which is worrying, but it's a refreshing change compared to what I'm like with other guys. I don't have to pretend to be someone else. I don't have to pretend to like certain things - because we actually have so much in common. We like the same things, hate the same things, and we both enjoy eachother's company.
This said person made a comment about one of my other blog posts - presumably one about guys and how they upset me, or mess me around, or are all the same - and said he hoped he could change my mind. Well, let me tell you one thing: he most certainly has. There is a good guy out there. I've found one! I feel like holding up a huge flag and standing on the roof, shouting "OMG OMG OMG I've found a nice guy!". Though, if I did that, maybe he'd think I'm completely barking, and that can't be a good thing, surely. Or can it? There's only one way to find out. Nah, I'm only kidding. I don't plan on standing on a rooftop in the near (or very distant) future. Heights and me don't mix, much like oil and water.
Seriously, these past few days have been insane. The past 6 days have been, in fact. 6 days, and 6 dates. Well, 4 dates, but he landed up snowed in here, so let's just call it 6. I can't wait to see him again. I was sad to see him go, but the new me insists on focussing on the next time I see him and not on the fact that I'm not going to get any more cuddles for the next few days. Roll on Wednesday, baby ;) He gives damn good hugs. And cuddles. And makes me laugh. And keeps me cozy. And looks after me when I have a sore head. And doesn't mind if he's holding onto me when my dad shows up. Eeeeee. Can you tell I'm smiling? I must look like a total goofball right now.
Aaaaaand he's coming to Dumpling's birthday party with me. Woohoo! Mucho banter to be had. He said he could handle me when Double Trouble are together, but I think he may have underestimated the power of our giggles. That makes us sound like a pair of superhero's, a duo of destruction or something like that. But we're not. Though, we should be. It's going to be interesting seeing how he copes with us if we go hyper, which we more than likely end up doing, regardless of whether we want to or not! Hyperness just seems to find Dumpling and Doughball, like chewing gum finds the sole of your shoe: you can avoid it all you want, but it'll still appear no matter where you go!
Anyways. I think it's time I went to bed, without cuddles or my heater. Human heater, but a heater none-the-less. My eyes are drooping and I have the sneezes. I'm just thankful I don't have a headache right now, coz that would really finish me off! No cuddles, no giggles, no heater, no one to rub my back while I cry in pain. Yeah, he has a few uses. MOOOOOOOOOOOOON!.... yeah, that'll mean absolutely nothing to anyone but me and him. I don't know.... Muh. Nuffin'.
Right. Catch you later. Might do a weekly/monthly update tomorrow, but will see how I'm feeling. No doubt tired, sore, pathetic, cold, lonely and fairly optimistic about Wednesday. Woohoo!
Nighty night.
D for Dozer.xx
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