Wow. I've not been this shocked by a guy in a lonnnnng time. I have an account on a dating site - wonderful one, and it's introduced me to some really cool people ( - but someone has just messaged me with a message I unfortunately can't say in a public place. I'm shocked, and also disgusted by this person. I stupidly asked if they'd honestly walk up to a girl in a bar, and ask them what he just asked me, and he said that he would. What kind of sick person would actually do that? I mentioned this to my friend - who is a guy - and he said he wouldn't even imagine asking me that, even though we've known each other for quite a long time.
Can someone out there - any male will do - please prove that there is one guy who has dignity and respects women, and doesn't treat them like they are dirty nymphomaniacs? One guy? Because, if you find him - and he's single, living in Scotland (UK), is over 5'8 and musical - then I will MARRY HIM ON THE SPOT. I'm not joking. Well, possibly, but you get my point. I really want to find one man like this, just to prove me wrong. For once I want to be wrong about guys. It might also inspire me to create my own dating site, where the members are all vetted by me and are all guarenteed not to be disgusting or anything like that. It won't happen, but you never know. The site, I mean. The guy thing might. I hope so.
My mind's all a-fluff today. I want to find the man of my dreams, or rather, let him find me. But how will I know it's him? Will he be wearing a sign that says "I'm Mr Right" or will he tap me on the shoulder, and whisper in my ear "I'm your man"? I highly doubt it. Saying that, I'm a skeptic. At the best of times. Well, depending on the subject. When it comes to love, I'm a very firm skeptic. Unless I see it with my own eyes, I won't believe it. Maybe that's where I've been going wrong. I donno.
Maybe an old flame will see what they're missing out on (doubtful, seeing as there's nothing here to miss) and will get in contact with me, sweep me off my feet - not literally of course - and whisk me away to a dream life in a far away place. Or just down the road. I can dream, can't I? Surely I'm allowed to do that? I almost hope this dream does come true. Almost.
Ho hum. Jebus is here. It's time for bed.
PS. I've designed my tattoo.
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