Monday, 18 April 2016

2016 is here... Nearly there...

Hello folks! It's been a little while since I published a blog of any sort, let alone in this. So, to update you on what's been happening here since 2013, here is a short list:
  • my dad had a stroke
  • I'm now 25
  • we got married in 2015
  • I'm currently 38.5 weeks pregnant with our first child
  • we have completely different cars
  • we are still as crazy as ever...

That sort of sums everything up from the last two years!

Life is about to change in a very big way for us in the next week or so, and it's a terrifying yet exciting experience. We I have had sleepless nights, we have spent a small fortune on baby stuff but still spent less than many we know, and I think we are as ready as we will ever be for this arrival. The nursery has been set up for a few weeks now, and the door left open to allow the cats to get used to the room and not feel the need to break in and destroy everything. So far, they have been good as gold. They have ventured into the cot and the moses basket but they now realise the two beds are of no interest so haven't been back in since. Phew.

Everyone keeps asking us the same questions: how are you going to feed, do you know what you're having (a foal, I think?), are you all ready? As much as I love answering questions, there is a limit to the number of times that one can be asked the same few questions before you start thinking of more creative answers to them. How am I going to feed it? I was thinking of fish food - do you think that would work? Are you ready? Well, we have everything at home but I was really hoping that it could sort of escape via cell diffusion to save me having to stretch my body to the limits - literally. Are you going to have pain relief? Nah dude. I was thinking of just getting stoned before hand and seeing if that worked. You get the idea.

While I would never do any of the above, it really would be fun to see some reactions to my answers!

One question that really does frustrate me though is: what are you going to do with the animals? As if the expected and only acceptable answer is to say we will be getting rid of them all before the birth. Seriously? As if I could even do that. These pet were my "children" since I didn't think I could have any of my own, so why the heck would I get rid just because we are going to have the real thing? Surely, I would want to keep them and enrich our lives further? Yes, this is going to be a mad house, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have no choice in this matter either!

Anyways. I'm sorry. I tend to do this without realising. I always said I'd never talk endlessly about children if I was ever lucky enough to have one, and there I go. Oops...

I must go shower before I meet a friend for a catch up - it's been too long! The catch up, not the shower, you filthbags.

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