Sunday, 18 March 2012


My fingers are starting to turn green... I have a load of little seedlings appearing of various types. This pleases me a lot. I have loads of little rocket ones, and cat grass, and mixed salad leaves and lettuce, so it looks like we're going to have lots of salad for the summer, if I keep planting at regular intervals! My spring onions haven't sprung yet, and neither has my thyme, peppers, chives or sweet peas but it's early days! I planted a few more flowers for hanging baskets and borders the other day so they've not had a chance to grow yet but I'm happy so far. I must remember to get some pics and put them up some time.

I also have to remember and do the ironing, build my desk and do some shopping tomorrow. Saying that, there's no rush for the desk since I'm on holiday for another few days so there's plenty of time. I really do need to phone someone to get the dishwasher installed though since it's taking up a lot of space in the kitchen and it's getting difficult to get into cupboards for pans which in turn means they're taking up space on the counter - space I don't really have...

So all in all, the outside of the house is coming along nicely, but the inside is a bit of a temporary disaster area. Oh dear.

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