It's been a while, folks, but I'm back. Poor you! Yesterday - or, this week - was all about clearing out the house of our unwanted/unused crap. So, to get the job done right, we have my dad's cattle float parked in front of the house and I've been filling it with all the old boxes, chest of drawers and anything else that shouldn't be in the house. I also cleared the garage today so that I could get the boxes from the storage container into it. It looks AMAZING! The office/art room is slowly coming together and only really needs a final clear, one of the book shelves brought up and the rest of my Ann Summers stuff and stationary taken up. Then hoover, dust and move on to the next room - our bedroom. To say it's a midden is an understatement. I'm even tempted to change which bed frame we're using so that the cats can't hide under it or drag things under. It's like Aladin's cave right now with shoes, boxes, polystyrene and rubbish that they have hauled under.
The plan for today is to clear up the rubbish in the spare room, move my bookcase up and get the final bits and bobs of office stuff into the room, like the guillotine and laminator, and make sure the whole place is perfect. Then, it's on to our bedroom. It needs a serious overhaul to be habitable again. But, my shoe rack can maybe move through to the spare room or go into the hallway, and the rest is pretty much all rubbish. I need to sort out the shelves and maybe steal the small bookshelves again as our DVD collection lives above our heads in the wall-mounted shelf unit. Then the living room needs attacked - rubbish put out, paperwork sorted and a really good hoover and dust. The kitchen needs a total blitz but it won't be able to be fully done until we get rid of that spare fridge. The kitchen will take me at least a whole day though - the cupboards need to be emptied and cleaned, repacked and the use by dates checked. Also, anything we will never use can be put out!
In the space where the fridge used to sit, I want to put some shelves up, making it into a decent storage cupboard. The dog's food can go back in, along with all her toys and my unused kitchen appliances, instead of them sitting around the worktops or on the floor. There's just so much to do! If I can at least get it looking more presentable, I'll be happy.
My schedule for this morning is to go to Balgownie and get a breakaway cable for dads trailer - since it mysteriously broke - then go to the bank to put in some cheques, buy dog food for the mutt and then make up an order for one of my clients. Once I get all the out of the road, it's on with the clear out!
Boy do I feel good! Or... sore...