Saturday, 21 July 2012

Long time, no writee?

It's time for an update on the happenings of my life. My job is going fantastic and I'm going to be gaining some qualifications on the side, such as a groupwork one and possibly another which would allow me to apply for support worker posts with any company/charity, including substance misuse. This totally intrigues me although two qualifications at the same time as working a full time job my prove a little too much. On the relationship front, we're doing ok. I'm a bit stressed and very lonely at weekends as the man is working them all now, but I guess I just have to carry on and things will work out. Right?

There's also a new addition to the family - and no, I'm not pregnant! We have a puppy. She's an Alaskan Malamute called Sasha and a total numpty. But the cutest thing in the world and I think she knows it... which is possibly a bad thing but hey ho! The cats are slowly getting used to the fact that she's here, although Dean is less unsettled than Sam is, simply because Sam is such a dominant cat. However, they'll get used to her and it'll be good. She's still a little "accident" prone but she's learning and getting used to being in her crate and also on a lead. We bought her an anti-chew lead (infused with chilli's!!) and she took one bite and decided against it... I can't say I don't blame her!

On the social front, I met up with my friend from two jobs ago. I got to meet her little girl as well. We had a lovely catch up and it was amazing to see Sasha with a little'in. She was FAB! Just wanted to protect the wee one and she was Sasha's main focus. Just goes to show she'd be great with kids. *FAT CHANCE OF THAT HAPPENING ANY TIME SOON.* I'm also back on twitter (@poppy_nicol) and still going strong with Facebook ( I do suck at keeping my blog up to date, but I promise to try more in the future, given that a major part of my job is working on a computer right now.

On the computer front, I'm hoping to start writing again - properly. I really want to try writing a book for real, so I'm going to give it a go. If it works, it works. If not, oh well!

I think that's all there is apart from the fact that I just touched my eye and its started pouring with tears... why?!

A x