Thursday, 12 May 2011


Today is going to be a very lonely day. I woke up at 6.30am, on my own, and now I have to wait until the man finishes work and goes to the gym before I get any sort of company. This means that I'm on my own until at least 4pm. Great stuff. I just didn't think he'd be away all that length of time since he keeps telling me the gym is only for him shoving in time while waiting for me to finish work, and since I'm not working today, I didn't think he'd be going. But I'm wrong and now I'm going to be bored all day. Oh well. It means that I might actually get some housework done and washing out of the way, since I have no-one to wake up or keep up when they should be in bed sleeping. Besides, my room BADLY needs a clear out. And I need breakfast. Now.

Breakfast had, it's now time for me to let it settle and plan out the rest of my day so that I'm not as likely to think of the man as I usually do. I'm going to write a to-do list.

So, the washing is being done as we speak. Albeit slowly since it's raining and I have to tumble the loads, but it's getting there. And the dishes have been done, so that's a bonus. I've now had a decent mid morning feed,  but there is no enthusiasm to get off my arse and get more done. Grr.

Oh well, I suppose I better go and do something. Turns out the man is coming home after work and we're taking my car to get a new tyre on the wheel. And then we're going to play the wii. Awesome.


Thursday, 5 May 2011